Blue Rose Quartz

Blue Rose Quartz

Blue Rose Quartz embodies the same properties as Pink Rose Quartz but with a little bit more magic due to its blue hue. Properties within Blue Rose Quartz that resemble Pink Rose Quartz include soothing and easing stressful energy off of the heart centre and balancing the heart chakra. This crystal is very powerful yet peaceful and gentle and full of unconditional love. Blue Rose Quartz embodies both Yin (Feminine Energy) and Yang (Masculine Energy) explaining its dichotomous energy properties. This is also known as an energetic "Sacred Union". It is the perfect crystal to meditate with connecting you effortlessly to the cosmos and the all-knowing energies of the universe. There is a radiating and comforting energy that makes you feel safe and secure within your being when using Blue Rose Quartz. Much is still to be known about Blue Rose Quartz and its magical properties, but everyone that encounters this universal crystal will definitely feel it's magic.